Friday, July 16, 2010

Made it to the end of the Trail!

Yep, we are in Fairbanks, what a day! Started out getting up at four instead of five am that I thought it was. I hit the showers and then went to the closed office and was using the Internet an an outlet when it got so cold I moved to the laundry room to update the blog. Ron Jr came in and quite a few people, all talking to us. One fellow said it was only 400 miles to Fairbanks so I made reservations for a hotel. After puttering around, the campground manager mentioned it was over 600 miles over half on bad roads. I told my son we needed to get moving as we had a long day

We finally were packed up an under way at 8:45. Not far down the road the misery from bitter cold was compounded steady rain! We stopped in Haines Junction for fuel and ran across Tom, Chad and the girl from Chicago. Check out their blog and see we met them on day 8. I'm worried about Chad and Tom, their girl is friendly with anyone when they are not around!

We continued over roads that kept you on your toes! Permafrost reshapes the highway into dips, channels holes two foot deep! many of these holes were full of water and looked level. Initially I used speed and flew across the huge holes I couldn't avoid but had some un-intended fun controlling the violent ride when the channels changed my path.We slowed down a bit, then followed a pickup that obviously knew the road.

A woman told us the trick for the hazards that were flagged. If only flagged on one side, move to the opposite lane. If flagged on both sides, slow down and hand on. It worked well for us for the 300 miles of unimaginable roads. 610 miles today, over 8,000 for the trip.

We are staying in Fairbanks for a couple of days, hoping to run up to the Artic circle tomorrow. Rain is forecasted for the rest of the week

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